How To Remove Sliding Glass Door For Cleaning

Removing a sliding glass door may appear to be difficult, but after you’ve grasped the basics, it may be easier than you imagined! You may need to remove a sliding glass door for a variety of reasons, including repairing or replacing panes, restoring the proper slide, or transporting bulky objects such as furniture. How to […]

How To Make Sliding Glass Doors Look Better

Sliding glass doors are a popular feature in many homes, but covering one for privacy and light control can be difficult. While there are many options for covering your sliding glass door on the market, not all of them are easy to use and complementary to your decor. How to make sliding glass doors look […]

Are Sliding Glass Doors Safe

Sliding glass doors and windows are attractive because they let in more light and frequently open onto a deck or patio. On the other hand, the security risks of sliding glass are obvious. The larger glass panes are more prone to breaking, providing an easy entry point for anyone willing to break them. Similarly, if […]